Liam, March 1 2008


When I was there way back in 1979, It was a very beautiful place. Crystal blue sea and golden sand. The locals didn't like us though, we were hippies. We used to sleep in the old Tombes that were carved out of the headland. It is set within a horse shoe bay overlooked by a rocky out crop. I used to look for scorpions in the caves up on top of the mountain. Found a few too! In the evening, the bees would come out to feed on the herbs sending their loud humming shrill resounding over the hills. Quite freaky if you weren't aware of them beforehand. I have other weird stories/experiences from there but they may be a little inapropriate!

Do you plan on going there?




June 24 2008


My mother, my brother and me slept in the church yard, under an upturned old boat in the port before stowing away on a ferry to Crete! We arrived in matala after hitchhiking from the port.. Finding shelter on Red Beach. It was a nice, quiet place to relax and catch our breath... except it was nudist and the locals hated that!

When we got tired of the scorpions in our cave up on the hill behind the shop, we moved to Komo Beach. Here we met Germans compressing dope in the old bunkers!

We also knew this french guy ‘Francois’ who was wanted by interpol!.. He was informed on by a local, who infiltrated our commune... He used to make us omelettes... When the police came for him, they fired their guns at our tents and chased him up the hill where they grabbed him and took him away! They then told us to leave. This was 1978. I was 12 years old. My brother was 4.

Plenty more crazy true stories!!!